Pathways Offices
Holistic career exploration and professional development starting in year one.
To support lifelong flourishing, Emory is taking an intentional approach to career exploration and professional development—connecting students not only to potential employers and opportunities but to an expanding ecosystem of alumni, parent, and community mentors who can help them discover meaningful postgraduate lives and opportunities.

The Pathways Center has the potential to provide amazing support for a diverse group of students, including those who may need additional resources and guidance. It is very encouraging to see Emory create such a meaningful initiative to aid students in discovering their postcollege journeys.
Career and Professional Development
Through Career and Professional Development (CPD), students and young alumni can access a team of professional advisors and coaches who can help guide your career development, from writing a resume to finding that dream job. CPD offers multiple events, career fairs, and workshops every semester.

Experiential Learning
Experiential learning allows you to bring your liberal arts education into the world through research, community-based projects, applied arts, and/or internships. These hands-on experiences not only deepen your learning at Emory, but they also help with career discernment and readiness through direct experience and focused reflection. Every Emory student, regardless of their major or academic interests, has the opportunity to pursue experiential learning as an essential part of their liberal arts education.

National Scholarships & Fellowships
The National Scholarships & Fellowships Program Office provides information and support for current Emory students and recent alumni in pursuit of competitive merit awards.
Our primary services include helping students learn what opportunities are available, advising potential applicants on their eligibility and the appropriateness of particular awards, guiding students through the application process, assisting in crafting essays, grant proposals, and personal statements for award applications, and preparing students for scholarship interviews.

Pre-Health Advising
Working with Emory undergraduates and alumni interested in healthcare professions, Pre-Health Advising supports students until they are ready to apply to healthcare professional schools.
Throughout the year we offer p re-health events and workshops, one-on-one and group advising sessions, and preparation and practice for graduate school interviews.

Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research Programs support undergraduate research and scholarship opportunities. These opportunities happen in classrooms, laboratories, libraries, studios, and on stages across our institution.
The numerous and varied undergraduate research experiences we offer our students are a direct result of their access to dedicated world-class faculty mentors from both our exceptional undergraduate liberal arts college and our world-class research university, which includes seven different graduate and professional schools all on one campus.