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INTERN 496 and INTERN 497R

INTERN 496 and INTERN 497R are online summer courses offered through the Pathways Center and are open to Emory undergraduates who are pursuing an internship, research, or applied arts opportunity. These courses are designed to enhance each student’s summer experience while also advancing their level of career discernment and preparation.

Course 496/497 Application

Enrollment in this course is by application only.

Apply Now on College Connect


Eligible students include:

  • international students (i.e, F-1 visa holders) who need the course to qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  • students whose employers require them to enroll in an Emory internship course as a requirement for their unpaid internship
  • students who are approved to receive Pathways Internship Funding
  • students who agree to pay tuition and charges to earn an academic credit for their summer internship


Both internship courses can be taken for zero- or one credit.

The zero-credit version of the course, which is free of charge, is adequate for CPT and employers who need students to earn credit for their internship.

If a student chooses to take the course for one credit, standard fees, and tuition for summer school will be charged to their OPUS account.

For questions about tuition visit Financial Aid at Emory.


To enroll, students must submit an application which includes an offer letter for an internship, research, or applied arts experience.

Please note that Emory undergraduates who receive Pathways Funding are automatically enrolled in the zero-credit version of the course and do not need to apply.